freak sport triathlon

Training strategy for 2021 v2

This article is an update of the previous one. I have mostly done Z2 training since the middle of september and I had time to reflect back on this and stuff like HIIT and VLamax…

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic I look for new challenges. I like sports and I like to train. Having strategies to test boosts my sports endeavors.

The challenge of racing is fun and with tapering days and recovery periods it gives a nice rhythm and flow to the year, but these days, with all the unknown ahead, I like the idea of relieving the pressure of an A race and just enjoy the process of doing sports regularly.


  • zone 2 training becomes the bread and butter of training, sometimes low cadence work to try to modulate muscle fiber types
  • I will favor 4×8 min to boost VO2max and FTP, I will work on a high cadence on these to maximise stroke volume adaptations
freak sport

Training strategy for 2021

PLEASE CHECK v2 of this post here

freak sport


Le billet du jour de Paléophil sur l’efficacité de sa foulée rapportée à sa fréquence cardiaque m’a donné envie de causer de l’entraînement. Philippe inspire, j’expire rapidement un billet sur ma vision de l’entraînement 🙂

Pourquoi est-ce que je m’entraîne ? Je ne sais pas trop par quel bout commencer, y’a vraiment plein de raisons. La principale étant que j’aime ça ! J’aime la liberté de la course à pied, j’aime changer d’univers en me glissant dans l’eau et j’adore le cyclisme, sa convivialité, son esprit combatif (cf , ici et surtout là) et la découverte du territoire.