freak sport

Lactatémie en natation

Mon Lactate Pro 2 m’a lâché en novembre à peu près en même temps que mon Canyon Speedmax, mais amor fati, j’en ai recommandé un illico presto pour continuer à m’amuser avec mes données physiologiques.

Depuis quelques mois, l’usage de l’analyseur de lactate de terrain (point of care device) s’est « démocratisé ». Mimétisme des champions, niveau global des amateurs qui monte et apparitions régulières sur les réseaux sociaux des pros sont probablement à la racine de cette épidémie de finger pricking !

freak nutrition sport vélo

One long ride with Super Sapiens

One good reason to buy and use Super Sapiens, the CGM dedicated to athletes, is to fuel correctly during long sports events. I could not squeeze a long ride in my 14 days using the Abbott Freestyle Libre for the first time : bad weather or on calls impede me from going long on my bike… but thanks to my trusted TacX Neo, I did a long workout indoor. Not as fun, and as « stochastic » as outdoors but still, it’s an experience.

So, one day I just had two fried eggs for breakfast (no carb) and hoped on the trainer for a long workout. My goal was to reach some fatigue I could relate to a decline in energy.

matériel nutrition sport

Déballage et premiers tests avec SuperSapiens

Ça faisait longtemps que je voulais essayer un moniteur de glycémie continue (CGM). J’ai beaucoup écouté de podcasts avec Peter Attia et ce sujet revient régulièrement. Je reste très prudent vis à vis de ce que raconte le docteur Attia sur la longévité et je suis souvent estomaqué par la consommation de soins qu’il propose à ses clients mais s’acheter un CGM et observer les données qu’il produit me semble tout à fait intéressant. Lorsque j’ai appris que SuperSapiens faisait un partenariat avec Abbott pour proposer des CGM Freestyle à des sportifs en vue d’optimiser les performances sportives j’ai passé le cap et j’ai commandé deux capteurs (160€-30€ de réduc via un challenge Strava), de quoi me surveiller 28 jours si tout se passe bien.

English version here

matériel nutrition sport

Unboxing and discovering SuperSapiens

I’ve wanted to try a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for a long time. I’ve been listening to a lot of Peter Attia’s podcasts and this topic comes up regularly. I’m very cautious about what Dr. Attia says about longevity and I’m often amazed at the amount of care they offer their clients, but buying a CGM and watching what happens seems quite interesting. When I learned that SuperSapiens was partnering with Abbott to offer Freestyle CGMs to sportsmen and women in order to optimize sports performance, I went ahead and ordered two sensors (160€-30€ discount via a Strava challenge), enough to monitor me for 28 days if everything goes well.

freak sport triathlon

Training strategy for 2021 v2

This article is an update of the previous one. I have mostly done Z2 training since the middle of september and I had time to reflect back on this and stuff like HIIT and VLamax…

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic I look for new challenges. I like sports and I like to train. Having strategies to test boosts my sports endeavors.

The challenge of racing is fun and with tapering days and recovery periods it gives a nice rhythm and flow to the year, but these days, with all the unknown ahead, I like the idea of relieving the pressure of an A race and just enjoy the process of doing sports regularly.


  • zone 2 training becomes the bread and butter of training, sometimes low cadence work to try to modulate muscle fiber types
  • I will favor 4×8 min to boost VO2max and FTP, I will work on a high cadence on these to maximise stroke volume adaptations